Here's a sample of the projects we have been involved in over the years.

These projects were delivered under the brands of Pinnacle Regen and UK Pacific Developments which now together form Pinnacle Investments.

united colleges group, london

Pinnacle, in partnership with the Hill Group, are preparing planning applications for approximately 1,800 new homes at Willesden and Wembley. The development will deliver significant community benefits, including new affordable homes, public spaces, and improved connections, while also enabling the United Colleges Group to relocate to a new state of the art campus on Olympic Way in Wembley.

Status: Planning

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Myatt’s Field North, London

The regeneration of a 1970s housing estate in partnership with the Local Authority and community. A complex project that delivered 808 new homes and 172 refurbished homes across all tenures. Providing new homes, sustainable homes for the existing community and new residents.

Status: Completed, fully sold and operational

Station Road, Hampton

The conversion of a locally listed former Victorian police station with later additions into a boutique residential mews, providing a mix of typologies from one bedroom apartments through to modern family homes.

Status: Consented and investment realised. 


Sheerwater, Woking

Working in partnership with the Local Authority and community we progressed the development of a new masterplan for an existing housing estate. Over the course of two years we undertook an extensive period of community engagement and co-design to develop a modern ‘Garden Suburb’, providing 1,000 new, sustainable homes alongside new leisure and play facilities. With a focus on meeting the varying housing needs of the existing community and future residents.

Status: Consented.

Calais Street, London

We acquired a time expired care home from the Local Authority. The former care home occupied a bomb damage site within a conservation area within a traditional Victorian terrace street overlooking a Grade II listed park. We secured planning consent and delivered four modern family homes as a modern interpretation of the Victorian vernacular, stitching back into the urban fabric.

Status: Completed, fully sold.

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Foxley Road, London

We acquired a single bungalow neighboring a Georgian terrace, with a view to developing a small block of modern flats respecting the Georgian proportions.

Status: Investment realised.

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Abbey Wood, London

Working with our joint venture partners, we have developed proposals for the redevelopment of an existing, single storey retail parade and convenience store, to provide a high quality retail frontage with forty new homes above.

Status: Pre-planning.